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Recently I made a business trip to Parkersburg West Virginia and stayed at a lovely hotel that everyone must visit at least once in their lifetime. The Blannerhasset Hotel was built in 1889 and the history is really interesting. Built by a local Parkersburg resident, William Chancellor, the hotel is dropdead gorgeous. That being said, it is supposed to be haunted too. When I first walked into the hotel, I noticed a heaviness but chalked it up to being an old hotel until the lady who checked us in told us the ghost stories many residents have brought to their attention and the hotel employees have experienced as well.
One particular spirit is an old man in a gray suit. He is known to roam the halls of the second floor, and of course I stayed in room 223. Some say it is the spirit of William Chancellor and he continues to watch over his creation. Guest say he doesn’t bother anyone but can be found smoking his cigars in the library and in the halls of the second floor you can smell his cigar smoke. I can attest to smelling something similar to smoke but I wasn’t sure if it was another guest sneaking a smoke in their rooms but you can for sure smell smoke in the hallways.
I didn’t get to meet the former owner but next time I go to visit, I am taking my ghost hunting equipment. LOL.
Go visit during the holiday and you get to see some 30 Christmas trees and wreaths. The decorations are breathtaking. I plan on going back for a visit soon. ??