Health and Wellness

What Can we Do About Bloating?

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Being bloated is so not glamorous and it’s something that happens to all of us, male or female. But what can we do to prevent it or at least treat it? It’s not fun when you go to put on your jeans and you can’t button them up. We all want to feel confident in what we wear each day. The good news is there are foods or things you can take or drink to help de-bloat. Let us know if you have tips and tricks you use. XOXO


So, what is bloating




To understand how to prevent and treat bloating, you need to understand the root cause. Most common causes of bloating are eating foods like soda, beer, salty items, fruits and vegetables and beans. Even taking in too much oxygen when you eat can cause bloating. When you eat, allow your brain to receive a signal from your stomach saying it is full. Eating slowly can help. Other causes include:

  • Dehydration and not getting enough water
  • Eating too much and/or too quickly
  • Drinking through a straw
  • Chewing gum
  • Smoking
  • Constipation
  • Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)
  • Stress
  • Too much salt


How can we prevent and treat



Banish salty foods.

Drink Hot Water and Lemon 

Try dandelion root tea– great for excess fluid

Take an Epsom salt bath

magnesium pill– gets things moving along

Ginger– has anti- inflammatory properties



Eat Lemons– they help soothe the digestive system



Pineapples- break down hard to digest proteins

Eat Berries which are high in fiber and keep your digestive system moving



Watermelon is great for dehydration, which is one reason people become bloated



Drink water throughout the day





Products to help with Bloating

 See below



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